Wednesday 2 November 2011

...The Laws of Economics - SUCK!

Is it just me or is everyone struggling financially, right now? I've been trying to wrap my mind around how is it that I can work almost 30 hours every single month in overtime and yet my paycheck is still gone in less than a week after it hits my account?!! I havent done anything different, I have the same expenses as I did a year ago, however, these (same) expenses seem to have tripled from what they were last year this time.  Its baffling!  So now, I've cut off the cell phones, the cable and the internet and have paid off any/all one-off bills that have 'popped up'.  I'm thinking that I should start over in the new year with a fresh outlook on my finances.  Its been challenging without the things that have become such an intricate part of my life, however...its worth the sacrifice.

One of my biggest fears is to not have the means to take care of my kid if an emergency occurs.  I was raised to put aside money for a rainy day....this fuckin recession is the rainy day they were talking about and I dont even have a pair of fucking rainboots - let alone a gotdamn umbrella!!!! What am I doing wrong????
I work and work to try and obtain the things I need to take care of my son, meanwhile, he's craving more and more attention.  If I give up working as hard as I do, I risk putting myself in a bigger hole, then I wont be anybody's friend...I'll turn into Oscar the Grouch from King Street...(the one from Sesame Street wont have shit on me)

Friday 21 October 2011

Car issues - the waiting game

It's been a few days since I've been able to blog. I've had some challenges with getting time to get on the computer and sit still long enough.  Today, seems to be a good day so I'm going to take advantage of it :).

One of the issues that I had been dealing with was my car.  If you know me, you know my car $48,000 (on the road) has been in the shop since last November from an accident (that I. personally had not been involved in).  There have been a series of unnecessary events since the beginning. 
Lie #1. 
From the start, I had been given a guarantee of 8 working days for the completion of the job.  The parts I needed for my car to be fixed had not even been ordered within that 8 working day frame. 
Lie #2
Once my parts arrived, the mechanic went on vacation.  The company was short-staffed so the car had to wait until the mechanics return....which was scheduled for Jan 2011........

That's a very brief snippet of the kinda fuckery I have been dealing with.  It has been a year later, and now my car has been completely taken apart.  The entire interior of this car has been removed as I now have an electrical issue that the technicians can not guarantee will be rectified after they replace the harness and reinstall the interior parts.  The part that is allegedly the cause of this mass problem is my electrical harness (cost: $8,000) They can not put a time limit on the completion of the job such as this, because (check this out) - this is a very complicated job and is not the kind of job that a mechanic can work on without leaving it alone completely for a while and going off to work on something else......WHAT?!!!! .

Luckily, the manufacturer offered to replace this harness at no costs to the customer.  So the question of the day is: (drum roll, please) Who is going to pay for the labor?????? (which, might I add is going to possibly run up to $8K to $10K)

Unfuckingbelievable!!!!! The damages from my accident have already cost $14K..for what though? It wasn't even a serious accident! My car has now depreciated to $25K thanks to the assistance of my claim.  So anyway, my insurance company is refusing to pay for this...So now what?  I nicely called the government department that assists with these kinds of scenarios.  Hopefully, this works out in my favor, but this is Bermuda.  There's no telling. Pray for me!

Thursday 13 October 2011

SOS! Help

I am currently typing this blog from my bed.  I am being held hostage by the biggest cockroach I have ever seen in my life!!!!! Cockroaches are not a common occurrence in my house, however, on the occasion one decides to enter my domain, its usually a showdown between the ghastly insect and bug spray.  I act as the referee.  Unfortunately, today, I was sprawled across my bed, playing with my Pomeranian.  I don't know why but I looked down and BAHM!!!! There it was, on its back, legs spread as if it were dead.  My natural instinct was to smash it with my sneaker that was laying on the floor next to it.  I proceed to do so, and somehow I... (the blattaphobiac) flipped this disgusting creature over and it clung to my sole of my fucking sneaker!!!!! I flung the sneaker across the room in panic.  The bastard laid their looking at me without fear of being fumigated to death.  I was instantly paralyzed. (They scare me to a whole next level) My heart started racing and I wanted to cry but I couldn't loosen up enough to let the tears fall.  (I know, I know, you're thinking, I'm a big sissy...they are more afraid of people that people should be of them....fuck off with that bullshit! Its not helping)  The cockroach ran so fast under my bed that I did not get a chance to react and attempt a smashing again.....So now, as I said...I'm being held hostage.  I keep feeling creepy crawling things and keep looking at every wall to ensure that I am not the victim/target of some sick and twisted Cockroach hit.

I don't know what to do now, but my future isn't looking bright :(

Wednesday 12 October 2011


Have you ever:....... experienced working with someone who is a certified fucking idiot? Someone who is blatantly and undeniably incapable of learning and carrying out what they are getting paid to do?  Someone who makes your 12 year old child seem like the next Albert Einstein because he can 'connect the dots' faster and more efficiently.  Some one who is told every week - verbally and documented of the errors that they make, yet they still make them and deny ever being told that they were wrong? A tear dropper wearing the disguise of a hardcore bully?  A drama queen, orchestrating scenes by scene as if there was a bigger picture in the makings? Someone who is so sheltered and maimed in the brain where as you feel some degree of sympathy for their offspring's misconception of an adult.  Someone who makes you wonder, what their children's homework looks like if this is how they think?  or a person with the mental capacity of a piece of gum? neither. But I know someone who has.

I need 2 re-evaluate my life

I'm finally recovering from my hangover.  I had played hookie from life for 2 days.

The 1st day, my son wasn't feeling well in the morning so I allowed him to stay at home.  He very rarely misses school but I'll admit, I was pretty tired my damn self, so his fake sick worked.  He had assumed that he was going to be allowed to watch TV all day, pahhh! Wrong mama! Read a book.  By lunchtime, you know he was ready to go to school.  *aww thats too bad - suck it up! u can't.....*.....anyway doe, after all the working people had taken lunch, I drove up the western end of the island to go shopping and get lunch with a friend.  We pretended to be tourist off one of the two cruise ship that had been docked that day. Due to the 'long" drive (30 minutes, to be exact) we were starving marvins, so we chose one of the well-known restaurants in the area to have lunch.  One thing I have learned about eating out (and grocery shopping) is to never order food when you are hungry because you over-order.   I haven't practiced this yet, but I'm admitting that I do know better.  Anyway, we ordered appetizers and a main dish. Before the unfinished appetizers had reached the bottom of our stomachs, we were ambushed by the main course.  Needless to say, that was a 'wrap up to go" main course before we had even tasted it,

As we were leaving there was a beer and rum sampling stall just outside the restaurant door and an acquaintance of ours was 'tending we decided to bother her for a minute or so on the way out.....I'm still wondering whose fucking idea it was to sample the goods.

The first two samples were homemade beer...which by the way tasted like trash.  The next 3 samples were rum...a dark & stormy (rum & ginger beer) then a shot of Goslings Gold, then a shot of Gosling's liqueur.  The first sample was nice.....I think I have a new drink when I hit the bar scene.  While we were sampling, a group of tourist stopped to see what we were doing.  We decided to hustle them, and as expected curiosity got the best of them, so of course they joined in on our sampling.  Next thing you know, were having shots together...up to it, down to it fuck those who cant do! We led on that we did not know the server because like I said, we were pretending to be tourists.  After my 3rd hit of rum my blood started to warm so I threw in the towel, like come on it was only 3:30 in the afternoon, I ain't going out like that. So we thanked the server, tipped her and left.  By us doing so, the others decided to dig in their pockets and do the same.  We left the server with a smile :)

After the restaurant, we went shopping.  I had never realized how many shops were in this mini-village in the west end of the island but I was pleasantly surprised.  When we walked in, our timing had been severely off, because there was an elderly couple walking in front of us and one of them must have farted.  We walked right into the fart cloud!!!! FUCK OUR LIVES, I couldn't breathe, think or speak for what seemed to be about a 3 and a half minutes.  We knew who the culprits were and they just kept on walking! I felt violated!  I recovered quickly once I saw the shoes on display in one of the stores....they went home with me afterwards too *say cheese...cheessseee*  (They weren't for me at the time, but they're mine now)

Soooo anyway, after the magic shoe purchase, we left to make our way back home.  We had dinner plans and drinks for my friend's birthday, and I elected to be the designated driver so I needed to be ready in 3 hours.  By the time I had gotten home, my demon/angel child and dog had pretty much trashed the house.  My dog has an addiction to paper napkins.  He sees one, he takes it and rips it in pieces.  No one ever sees him do this, or can even figure out where or how he gets this fucking paper, but he does - Daily!!  I think he may have stash spots around the house like he has for his doggie treats.  I cant fucking tell though.  After I clean up, I sort my son out so that he can go to my moms while I'm at dinner and drinks.  I never make time so everyone was already prepared for my long-windiness.

My son was bathed, fed and dressed within an hour...lined up a sitter for my dog cause I don't like to leave him home alone when I can afford not to...he's only 10 mths, shit. .so now the hard part - me.  I couldn't decide what to wear (rolling my eyes...what else is new), so I sat and smoked a cig to give it some thought...I pulled out  a few things (as usual) but still couldn't I decided to shower first then look some more.  I have this ritual (not on purpose, I just do it sub consciously), where I smoke a cigarette, then do something. Stop, take another smoke break, while I think, then do something else, then usually have another cigarette while sitting on the toilet, whether I'm using it or not to prepare myself to get a shower.....weird shit! Its like I turn into a chain smoker and cant complete a task without smoke breaks..every time i am preparing to leave my house for an extended period of time...I wonder if its anxiety from the anticipation of socializing...hmm *goes on google to see if there is such a thing*.

While I was in the shower, my first passenger arrived at my house.  Shortly, thereafter the birthday girl arrived at my house.  They expected that I wouldn't be ready so they agreed to drop my son while I finished getting ready, pick up passenger #3 then come back for me, then pick up passenger #4.  During this time, I was supposed to be getting dressed but being home alone somehow triggers my ADD. The phone rings, it was my son's father, he had fixed his bike and was dropping it off.  I put on my music to motivate me to get dressed, but then got caught up finding the right playlist.  Son's father arrives, we get into a conversation about allen-keys (wtf is an allen-key), the whole time we're talking, the girls are outside ringing my two cellphones off the hook.  Meanwhile, I've forgotten I was supposed to be getting dressed and we were making time....sigghhhh! Son's father leaves, I walk him out and see the car parked outside, SHIT! I ran back in the house, threw on a dress, boots, belt and accessories and halled-ass out the door, hopped in the car and started to drive to dinner.  As we approached a stop light, with only 15 minutes to get to dinner and a 25 minute drive ahead of us, we realized simultaneously that passenger #4 wasn't in the car! Soooo we had to u-turn and drive back to get her and pretend we never forgot her.  Good thing she was waiting outside for us :)

We finally arrived at the restaurant, everyone was ready to eat and party.  I wasn't that hungry being I had a heavy lunch, so took the smart approach at dinner and only ordered an appetizer.  Everyone else order a main course.  By the end of dinner everyone was ready to go sleep, but we couldn't let the bday girl down, so we had to put our game faces and head toward the bar.  It was still quite early when we finished dinner, so we made a stop at a bar before going to the final party spot.  The shots were firing from every direction. We were all a little warmer when we left there.  Finally, we got the final party spot!     I eased in slowly with the drinks because I was the designated driver.  The bartender poured us all up.  One drink, two drinks - lets go on the dance floor. Sure...I danced, smoked and drank some more. Next thing I know I went from 0 to 360.  I was dancing on the stage, whining a few people and I even remember whining a who does that?! clearly a drunken me, does...smfh! So the night ended. The reality struck that I was the driver...oh right! Ok...I talked to myself and God the entire way to the car.  God must be shaking his head laughing at me every time I get tapped cause I tell him all the time, just get me home and I promise I wont drink again for a week.  He always delivers me though! That's true Love, right thurrrr! Anyway, we all get in the car, I was good for about 10 minutes. The bday girl, who loves to drive anyway, told me pull over, she needs to drive. AMEN! I nicely pulled into a bus layby and hustled my fat ass over to the passenger seat.  No argument from me, buddy!  We get back on our way, and one of the passengers ask to stop and visit a friend. Keep in mind its 3:45 in the morning...okay sure. Lets go! That turned into about an hour.  I walked outside to use my phone to return a call and fell asleep in the car.  I woke up at 5:45 outside my house...but I'm still the designated driver, right? Shidddd!

I couldn't get to my bed fast enough! I ripped off all my clothes, and hopped in my bed.  The next time I woke up was at 10:15 am making 8:45 to work.  My son had already been home that morning to get ready for school - I missed that (shame on me), my dog sitter had attempted to bring my dog home before they went to work (shame on me).  My living room, bathroom and bedroom looked like I had a party cause my shit was everywhere (shame on me). Needless to say, I was home in bed allllll day the next being useless and unnecessary cause I was hung wayyyyy over.

I think i need to re-evaluate my life! LOL!........ nahhhhhhh I love it!

Friday 7 October 2011

I think I'm a regular on the reality show "Punk'd"

I went to my cousin's reception/cocktail party at City Hall last night in aid of Breast Cancer. She owns a digital imaging (ultrasound) company called Ultimate Imaging.   As you may or may not know, it is Breast Cancer month.  (Pull out ya pink everybody!..wait...I wonder why they chose pink...but anyway, thats' hardly relevant Chmaine!)

Although, I was about 30 minutes late, It was an excellent turn-out...the hor'douves were tasty and I had about four glasses of Pinot Grigio (not including the fill-ups before my glass was empty). Upon arrival, there had been a display in the main ground floor lobby, which gave a quick-look at people you may know that are Cancer "survivors"..(hearing the term makes it seem sooo threatening, right?).  I was surprised at the number of people whose faces had been familiar to me. Once I arrived upstairs, there was a bar arraigned outside the doors so that you could collect your glass of wine or soda before you entered the gallery. Once inside, you were asked to sign in and offered a raffle ticket for $2 for the draw at the end of the night for some small prizes.  Also, if you booked an appointment at Ultimate Imaging within the next 2 years, you would be entered in a draw to win an Ipad 2.  I attempted to do so but I m not eligible because I had to be 40 or going 40. FML! To be honest, I really just wanted to be x-rayed, its been a while - not for any other reason and I have no health concern.

There were a few stalls set up around the room -all women interest stalls such as jewelry making, Zumba classes, a ballet work out class registration, make-up stall and a clothing designer's stall.  The guest speakers were 'survivors' telling their personal triumphs and a representative from PALS spoke, thereafter.  It was an enlightening experience especially because I am a smoker and have vowed to quit as a New Years Resolution, EVERY year since I started...smh! I've cut back, by the way. Yayy Me! ....After all the speakers finished, there was a brief demonstration from the Zumba instructors.  The crowd was wowed, I was like, I do that when I go to the club, whats the big deal? But in all, it was a good evening. Of course, my son had called twice because he was hungry, so I had to gulp down my 5th glass of wine and made my way home.

So as I leave City Hall, merely sober, I walked into the parking lot to realize, I had forgotten where I had parked the 'rental'....I stillllll don't have my car back from HWP (yeah, its been about a year, now - those bastards!) That was a sure indicator for me that its time for a trip, losing your car in City Hall Parking lot is like losing a sock in your how da fuck is that possible? I was talking to a friend long distance who had just added me on bbm, in an attempt to play off that I couldn't find my car.  She had told me that she got my pin# from the time, I had no idea how she could have done that but I couldnt get on that train to find out, that was the least of my worries, I needed to find my 'rental'. After about 3 mins into my mini heart-attack, I saw the yellow I hopped in the car and drove to the store to get cigarettes.  Once I came out of the store, I had hamburger meat, the  D-I-Y taco dinner and gummie worms....I get in the house, my son's crashed on the couch, still in school clothes, my dog has chewed every action figure my son has and has scattered them around the house...and my dishes from breakfast haven't been washed! FUCKKKK! I was beyond pissed, not to mention I was tired from the wine I had drank at the cocktail reception. Sooo, I washed the dishes, after shouting at my son for about 10 whole minutes...meanwhile, he's looking at me like I'm being the 'extra' one..I sent him to get his bath while I cooked dinner. Taco meal was the a great idea, it took me about 10 mins tops.  My son was still in the shower (allegedly) so I decided to go have a cigarette...where the fuck are my cigarettes I just brought???...shittt!! so I laid down instead.  About 15 minutes had past before I realized I was sleep and left the stove on. I looked around wondering where my 'children' were.  I go in the bathroom, my son's crashed on the toilet - go look for my dog, he's has since which, carried one shoe from my 3 pairs of shoes in my room into the living room as an 'accents' to the action figures decorating the floor and is now crashed in the window sill. (Lord, please tell me this is not my life!) So of course, I wake them, feed my son, feed my dog, then go and lay down..just when I thought my night was over, my friend stops by..I fed her too. So we're talking and she asks me why did I post my pin# as my status on Facebook...*blank stare*..."I'm sorry, what!?!?"...

Siggghhhh! ~ I think I need a vacation from life

Lets Talk about Sex...uality - (kinda, sorta but not really)

This is for my straight, non-curious friends/associates/ secret haters.....If your significant other can not handle my truth, or/and our friendship, you might not want to tell him about my lifestyle choice....for the sake of your relationship, your ...blah, blah, blah... Okay that was bullshit. I don't really feel that way. 

Just because I chose to ride on the fence,while you prefer to ride alongside the fence, that does not mean we cant be friends.  It does not mean, that I will try and convince you to ride on the fence with me, and it definitely does not mean, that at some point I will be attracted to you. Gross! If we have always been friends, you should have now elevated to the level of 'Sister" in my life and I hope to be looked at as the same.  Because I chose to be one way, and that's not your way, it does not mean we no longer have anything in common.  If you prefer your hair to be red, long & permed and I like my hair black, short & natural - does that mean we cant go to same hairdresser at the same time?  That does not make us who we are to each other, nor does it define us.

Its MY lifestyle...just one more thing that makes me different from my friends, but it doesn't change who I have been for the last 37 years.  I am much thicker than I was 20 years ago, does that mean I have to hang out with people that are in my weight bracket?  My hair is natural, does that mean I need to only have friends that have natural hair?...I have two degrees, does that mean I should only hang out with people that have been to University and acquired a degree?....u see where I am going with this?  See how trivial and superficial it sounds?

When people react negatively to things it is commonly through FEAR...but why fear the unknown? You can fear what is known, based off of experience but how can you be afraid of something you know nothing about. Also, some people confuse bi-sexuality/homosexuality with pedophilia! For fucks sakes, its not the same got damn thing!!!!!! A child gets molested every day, and trust me, its not a gay man or woman...its your next door neighbor's husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother or fucking sister.  People's perception is their truth...but seriously, though....have you ever been wrong?  Exactly!

Being bi-sexual/homosexual does not mean that you are attracted to EVERYONE of the same sex!!! Where the fuck that concept came from - I cant fucking tell... As a straight person,  ask yourself.. Do u/have you ever wanted to fuck every guy or girl that you have come into contact with? I'd hope not, that would mean you have no fucking standards, you're gross and you're Trashhhhhh!!! .....LOL! *and you definitely shouldn't judge if you don't have standards*

I have learned that u should believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.  We are all individuals, which means we do not have to think alike...We aren't clones of each other. We each have the freedom to think, act and feel however we want...(never let someone convince you otherwise)....We are drilled as children to believe this, act like that, dress this way - and the way I see it, we are all raised to fit in, not stand out.  Well, we are all adults now.  Once you reached 21, whether your parents allowed you to live your life as an adult or not, you still had become one.  As I approach my 40's, I am definitely an adult, with an adulterated mind *evil grin*..... but Ive been 'legally free to think" since I started paying my own damn bills, so fuck you if you ain't!  GROW UP!

Thursday 6 October 2011

Another Icon gone.....

I was up til late last night and wanted to blog about my irritation with parenting, ex-love issues and other bullshit but I refrained because I was mourning the death of Steve Jobs.  Obviously, I didn't know him however, in college his name came up frequently.  His speech that he gave at Stanford was phenomenal and of course, became a useful tool for professors in their classrooms.  Also, I have/had Apple everything...Ipod, Ipad, Imac, Macbook & Iphone and they are quality products in comparison to the competition.  I could only dream of being as innovative and creative as he.  His life was inspirational.  It blows my mind that his Macintosh concept started in his parents garage at the age of 20!!! What was I doing and thinking about at 20?....Fucking! Getting high, going out partying and Fucking some more!...Steve Jobs didn't go to college/university because his parents couldn't afford to send him however, he didn't let that turn him into a gas station attendant...You feel me? He used what he had, what he was born with to become one of the richest, most successful businessmen in the world.  I am not even going to use the race card with this one, the truth is the truth, he was our Thomas Edison. A fucking genius in his own right.

I knew something was up when he stepped down as CEO of Apple about a month ago.  Oh, did I tell you that I am teaching myself to be a Trader in my free time? Well, I am...and have been doing so since May, that's the (Economics)/analytical brain I have that's not being utilized at my bill paying job.  Anyway, so of course, I have to keep up with current events because they affect the stock, foreign currencies, blah, blah, when he stepped down the first thing that came to mind was Apple stock, how will consumers react? will the stock go up or will it go down.  So this kept his resignation fresh in my mind....btw, I still don't know the answer to the consumer questions, I got sidetracked and haven't been trading in the past 3! Anyway, he is leaving behind a legacy.  To think, I grew up alongside the changes that the Mac has gone through, from the big bulky, slow database type operating system that we had in high school (when they were first  introduced) to the laptops & hand-held devices.  Its surreal. 

It looks like I have some research to do now, I was planning on selling my coochie to get the IPhone 5....but I cant be sure if its still going to come out now...Steve might have taken the recipe to his grave with him.

He will surely be missed!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Quality over Quantity

I went to the gym alone this morning....I stayed for 45 mins & 7 of those minutes were wasted on the sexy eliptical machines because my thighs felt like they were on needless to say...I don't wanna fucking talk about it *angry face*. It was good therapy though. 

After my workout I went home, woke my son up to get ready for school, showered and got dressed for work.  I tried on like 10 different outfits to finally find something to wear and wondered to myself, why do I go through this every time I have to look for clothes? Why cant the last outfit I choose have been the first outfit I picked out? Baffling!  I slipped on a pair of shoes from the line of shoes that are starting to build up against my bedroom wall, due to the fact that my shoe closet is overflowing. After I was dressed, I left home to go pick up one of my friends, who is having transportation issues until the end of the week *I'm nice like that :)* I let her drop me off at a Lil cafe/restaurant close my job so that I could pick up breakfast on the way in.

After I picked up my breakfast, I headed off on my 5 min trek to the office.  For whatever reason, today I chose to wear my cheap $48 shoes.. nowadays..thanks to this fucking recession - $48 buys you a $20 shoe. As I'm walking, I feel my feet sliding further and further through the keyhole front of the shoe.  It was to the point where I felt my toes literally teasing the road.  If I had to walk 2 more minutes, they probably would have gotten toe road rash.  As I make my decent uphill to get to the main entrance of my office building, my feet start to feel unsure in my $48 shoes.  Once I get inside, I look at my reflection in the mirror and notice that my $48 shoes have a This is only the 3rd time Ive worn these $48 shoes.  So I head for the elevator and my ankle starts feeling a little unsure and shaky...Lord, please don't let me fall or trip in these damn $48 shoes!

Ding! Okay, AMEN I made it to my floor with no incidence.  I step off the elevator and what happens???? Nooo, of course I didnt fall but my $48 shoe heel gets caught in the safety rugs that have been placed outside the elevator.  The rugs are there as a precaution but in actuality they are a cheap shoe hazard. This hitch of course, hurts my ankle, which has been sprained twice before and now may have been re-sprained thanks to the hazardous - precautionary rugs.  So I finally get my shoe unhitched without falling, but now I am forced to limp to my desk cause my ankle is throbbing from the trauma..FML! I should have worn my $89 shoes today.

Moral of the story:
1..Having a lot of shoes does not mean they are good for your feet
2. Fuck heels
3. If you are going to wear cheap shoes, get dropped off at work so you only have to walk to your desk